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TE 的 AMP 系列产品包括用于在机器、设备和系统中传输数据、电力和信号的业界领先的连接器、元件、电缆和工具,帮助让这个世界变得更安全、更环保、更加互联。

75 年以来,TE 的 AMP 制造了加固型电子元件,可在最严苛的环境中实现可靠连接。 TE AMP 的故事开始于 1941 年 9 月 15 日 – 确切地说是下午 3:30(美国东部标准时间),地点是新泽西的一家小型希腊餐馆房顶上的房间中。就在这里,工程师 Uncas A. Whitaker 开发出了刚性焊接端接的可靠替代解决方案:压接端接。他的发明简单但具有革命性。在那时,使用焊接来完成连接。利用 Whitaker 先生的解决方案,工程师们可以快速地制造出无焊、非绝缘的电连接器,它们的安装速度比焊接端接更快,尤其是在空间非常狭窄时,例如在航空航天和船舶应用中。与需要在两端进行焊接的点间布线不同,压接端接提供其中一端有一个环的小金属管,并且与专用的工具结合使用,使压接彻底改变了该行业。借助工具,技术人员无需焊接即可实现快速、可拆卸的导线连接,并且支持预先装配线束。压接端接激励 Whitaker 先生成立了一家新公司:Aircraft Marine Products,称为 AMP。

Whitaker 先生的解决方案刚好满足了盟军在第二次世界大战中的生产需求。 这些新的连接器对于正在开发的具有更高性能的新型飞机而言至关重要,与前一代飞机相比,这些飞机的飞行高度更高,并且可承受高得多的冲击和振动。这些 AMP 连接器在最严苛、最恶劣的环境条件下保持电连接。在美国参战之后的很短时间内,AMP 接到来自 Boeing、Electrical Boat 和 Ford Motor Company 的合同。工厂使用了 AMP 的可靠无焊连接技术,使得军用飞机、船舶的生产数量得以增长。1943 年,AMP 以该成功为基础,引入了预绝缘端子。该产品通过降低短路的发生率,促使一种当时已经成功的电子设备产品得到更进一步发展。 

战争结束之后,军用设备的生产急剧减少,许多制造公司在困境中挣扎 – 有些公司步履维艰。 TE AMP 的领导层深谋远虑,以求生存。公司通过将重点转移到用于严苛环境商业应用(包括汽车和家用电器等当时不断增长的行业)的电子解决方案,对其自身进行了彻底的改造。公司通过推出带状端子得以复兴,该端子(与其 AMP-O-MATER 引线端接机一起)使制造商能够提高其生产率,每小时可以生产几千个质量合格的导线端接。凭借该创新,制造商能够满足对战后电子和家用电器行业产品不断增长的需求。这是 TE AMP 的一段非常有活力的增长和发明时期。公司在电动工具领域取得了早期成功,由于第二次世界大战后房地产市场非常繁荣,这些工具非常紧俏。Porter Cable 是无焊端接的早期采用者。在此期间,公司开发出得到公众认可的电气接头,因为它用在 Slinky(战后美国一种流行的儿童玩具)中,以机械方式固定该玩具线圈弹簧的自由端。大约在同一时间,公司扩展了其产品组合,推出用于插针和插槽、同轴电缆和印刷电路的连接器,所有这些都是为了满足不断增长的电信行业和有线电视市场的需求。

随着公司的成熟及其产品成为可靠性和完整性的代名词,公司继续试验新的理念。 1964 年,在公司创新精神的引导下,公司采用玻璃吹制工艺生产全密封高电压继电器,这些产品现在用于除颤器和空间站等不允许发生故障的应用领域。多年以来,公司不断地超过预期。1977 年,TE AMP 开发出用于触摸屏设备的电阻式触摸技术并取得专利,各种相关版本现在仍然很流行。1984 年,公司开发出几乎像人的头发一样细的同轴电缆。该新的超小型同轴电缆标准支持生产高柔性 128 导体超声光缆组件,以用于诊断医疗设备。一年之后,即 1985 年,公司开始使用新的自动应用方法开发用于汽车行业的集成部件,以满足该行业对简化复杂且劳动密集型线束安装流程的需求。为了在全球市场展开竞争,Tyco International 完成了对 AMP Inc. 的购买,从而巩固了公司作为全球最大电子连接器制造商的地位。然后,在 2007 年,TE Connectivity 以三方剥离的方式从 Tyco International 分离,从而允许 TE Connectivity 将其所有资源集中于电子元件业务。

随着全球对 21 世纪水准电子设备的需求猛增,TE AMP 作出了响应。 2003 年,公司首次开发在单个紧凑型护套中包含 72 条光纤的光纤连接器。这一重要进步是非常显著的,因为该解决方案并不比公司于 1975 年推出的原始单光纤连接器大很多。十年以前,我们开发出该技术,行业工程师曾将其视为“不可能”。今天,它是绝佳连接的一部分,帮助让这个世界变得更安全、更环保、更加互联。

在过去的十年中,TE AMP 产品组合在不断发展。 2006 年,我们的工程师实现了一些工程进展,例如突破性的声学脉冲波识别 (APR) 触摸屏技术,它可以通过识别在给定的位置触摸玻璃所产生的声音来检测手指或触笔在触摸屏上的位置。


今天,TE AMP 产品线包含广泛的无源电子元件,包括连接器和互连系统、继电器、开关、传感器以及电线和电缆。这些元件在当今汽车、计算机、通信设备、工业机器、商业仪器、家用电器和照明设备中高度复杂的系统中传输数据、电力和信号。凭借多年应对客户独特连接挑战的经验,TE AMP 成功地按照预期运转。


随着我们不断接近大多数事物通过物联网进行连接的未来,OEM 厂商将越来越迫切地需要能够通过安全、环保、可靠、互联的解决方案整合人们需要的机器、设备和系统的电子元件。使用 TE 的 AMP 产品,OEM 厂商可以在设计和打造新一代技术方面获得关键优势。

TE's AMP family of products includes industry-leading connectors, components, cables, and tooling used to transmit data, power, and signal in the machines, devices, and systems that helping make the world safer, greener, and more connected.

For 75 years, TE’s AMP has manufactured rugged electronic components for reliable connectivity in the harshest environments. The story of TE’s AMP began on September 15th, 1941 – at 3:30pm (EST) to be precise, in a room above a small Greek restaurant in New Jersey. This is where engineer Uncas A. Whitaker developed more reliable alternative to the rigid, soldered termination: the crimped termination. His invention was simple yet revolutionary. At the time, solder was used to complete connections. With Mr. Whitaker's solution, engineers could quickly make solderless, uninsulated electrical connectors that were faster to install than soldered termination, particularly when the space was very cramped, such as in aerospace and marine applications. Unlike the point-to-point wiring that needed to be soldered on both ends, crimped termination offered a small metal tube with a ring on one end combined with a specialized tool to make the crimp revolutionized the industry. The device allowed technicians to make quick, removable wire connections without solder and enabled the pre-assembly of wire harnesses. Crimped termination inspired Mr. Whitaker to found a new company: Aircraft Marine Products, known as AMP. 

Mr. Whitaker’s solution came just in time for the Allied war effort in World War II. These new connectors were critical to the new higher performance aircraft being developed that operated at higher altitudes and dramatically higher shock and vibration conditions than their predecessors. These AMP connectors maintained electrical connections in the most demanding and harshest environmental conditions. Shortly after the United States entered the war, AMP received contracts from Boeing, Electrical Boat, and the Ford Motor Company. The result was an increasing number of military planes, ships, and field equipment were equipped with AMP’s reliable solderless connections. AMP built on this success by introducing, in 1943, the pre-insulated terminal. This product advanced a then-successful electronics product by reducing the product’s incidence of shorted circuits.  

After the war ended, and production for the military equipment sharply decreased, many manufacturing companies struggled – and some faltered. The leadership of TE’s AMP took a long view to survive. The company re-invented itself by shifting its focus toward electronic solutions for harsh-environment commercial applications, including such then-growing industries as automotive and appliances. The company re-established itself by launching the strip-formed terminal, which – along with its AMP-O-MATER lead terminating machine – allowed manufacturers to increase their production rates, to the point of producing thousands of quality-inspected wire terminations per hour. This innovation enabled manufacturers to meet the growing demand for post-war products in the electric and appliance industries. It was a dynamic period of growth and invention for TE’s AMP. The company achieved early success around power tools, which were in high demand because of the post-WWII housing boom. Porter Cable was an earlier adopter of solderless terminations. During this period, the company developed an electrical splice that achieved public recognition because it was used in the Slinky – a popular children’s toy in post-war United States – to mechanically secure the free ends of the toy’s coil spring. Around the same time, the company expanded its portfolio by introducing connectors for pin and sockets, coaxial cables, and printed circuits – all to meet the demands of the growing telecommunications industry and cable-TV market. 

As the company matured, and its products became synonymous with reliability and integrity, the company continued experimenting with new ideas. In 1964, the company’s spirit of innovation lead to it using the craft of glass blowing to produce hermetically sealed high-voltage relays, which today are used in cannot-fail applications such as defibrillators and space stations. And as the years passed, the company continued to surpass expectations. In 1977, TE’s AMP developed and patented a resistive touch technology for touch screen devices, versions of which remain popular today. In 1984, the company developed coaxial cable nearly as thin as a human hair. This new standard in ultra-miniature coax enabled producing highly flexible 128-conductor ultrasound cable assemblies for use in diagnostic medical equipment. And a year later, in 1985, the company was developing – for the automotive industry – integrated subassemblies, using new automated application methods, to meet the industry’s need to simplify the complex and labor-intensive process of installing wire harnesses. To compete in a global market, Tyco International completed the purchase of AMP Inc., thereby solidifying the company's position as the world's largest manufacturer of electronic connectors. Then in 2007, TE Connectivity was split off from Tyco International in a three-way divestiture that would allow TE Connectivity to focus all of their resources on the electronic components business.

As demand worldwide sharply rose for 21st-century caliber electronics, TE’s AMP responded. In 2003, it was the first company to develop a fiber-optic connector with 72 fibers in a single compact housing. This important advancement was notable because the solution was not much larger than the company’s original single-fiber connector, which was introduced in 1975. Ten years before we developed this technology, industry engineers deemed it “impossible.” Today, it is part of the awesome connectivity that is helping make the world safer, smarter, greener, and more connected.

Over the past decade, TE’s AMP portfolio has continued to evolve. In 2006, Our engineers have developed such engineering advancements as the breakthrough Acoustic Pulse Recognition (APR) touch-screen technology, which can detect a finger or stylus location on a touch screen – by recognizing the sound created when glass is touched at a given position.


Today, TE’s AMP product line includes an extensive list of passive electronic components, including connectors and interconnect systems, relays, switches, sensors, and wire and cable. These components are transmitting data, power, and signal in the highly sophisticated systems found in today’s cars, computers, communications equipment, industrial machines, commercial instruments, household appliances, and lighting. Throughout its many years of solving the unique connectivity challenges of our customers, TE’s AMP has performed as expected.


As we move closer to a future where most things are connected through the Internet of Things, OEMs will increasingly need electronic components that integrate the machines, devices, and systems people need, with solutions that are safe, green, highly reliable, and more connected. With TE's AMP products, OEMs can gain a crucial advantage in designing and building the next generation of technology.

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